Part of the Tribeca/ESPN Sports Film Festival program at TFF and one of the entertaining documentaries I got to catch thus far was Fire in Babylon, the gripping story of the West Indian cricket team and its rise to world dominance during the late 1970s and 80s and following the social and cultural upheaval during the 1960s, 70s, and 80s in England, the Caribbean, and apartheid ridden South Africa. A sport long dominated by the colonial powers like England, Fire in Babylon brings into focus the larger context and importance of the world championships won by the West Indian cricketers and the hope they gave to a people united against the oppressive forces that govern their countries.Led first by Clive Lloyd and then the enigmatic Viv Richards,the West Indian cricketers struck a wonderfully defiant blow at the forces of white prejudice worldwide.Their undisputed skill,combined with a fearless spirit,allowed them to dominate the game at the highest level,playing it on their own terrifying terms.This is their story.